What sort of diet should I follow on Mounjaro?

The trial participants were advised to consume a diet of 50% carbohydrates, 20% fat and 30% protein. Many participants in the trials that had diabetes were also on insulin or metformin. Many diabetes patients in this group are utilizing CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) that help guide them about what foods spike their blood sugars, and what activities help or hinder their blood sugar numbers to stay in the green “in target zone.” Everyone is unique, but simply put, no one can live a zero-carb diet sustainably (they exist in veggies and fruit and it’s ok). Also, going free-for-all on carbs is not the best for success and health. Reasonableness is worth striving for.


Since gastrointestinal adverse events are so common with Mounjaro and other GLP-1RA medications, it may be a good idea to choose only safe foods that haven’t been revealed to cause GI distress until settling long term on a stable dose. Particularly at first, delayed gastric emptying is to be expected, so food you eat will stay in your stomach a lot longer than usual. Eating hours before laying down in bed is a good idea. Reports from folks in the group seem to indicate it’s wise to dodge heavy meals, too many carbs, too much rich fatty food, “greasy” foods, large meals or things that typically may cause heartburn. Smaller portion sizes of simple foods that will tick the boxes of meeting good nutrition guidelines are good to start with.


There are many dietary philosophies and Precision Nutrition is a burgeoning one being researched.


“traditional management of T2DM targets healthy lifestyle factors (exercise, diet, achieving a healthy weight), often with use of medications. Precision nutrition can further tailor diabetes management by looking closely at the following areas: [4,5]


How one’s DNA may be related to the intake and metabolism of certain nutrients, which can predict how a person responds to a specific diet.

The measurement of metabolites (small molecules created during the breakdown and digestion of food) that reveal a person’s long-term dietary patterns, whether it be eating fruits and vegetables regularly or having a high intake of saturated fat from a daily intake of meats and butter. Precision nutrition would see if there is an association between a person’s metabolic “signature” created by these dietary patterns and their risk of developing T2DM. The metabolic testing used with precision nutrition might help to determine how a person’s body would respond to a specific diet.

Discovering types of gut bacteria that help to improve blood glucose control, and implementing dietary patterns that change one’s microbiome to support the growth and maintenance of these specific gut bacteria.”
